OPENING MONTH RECAP: We launched the shop exactly one month ago today -Can you believe it?
This first month of being shop owners has been really exciting for us. As individuals, we have spent years figuring out what we are good at, where our talents would best be utilized and how we want to spend our time and energy. As sisters, we love seeing how those things come together to make this team unique. We each bring different things to the table, and that is just what we like about our business partnership!
We hope you love wearing your opening week release or July 4th inspired scrunchie. We hope you enjoy carrying around your summer-inspired reusable bag or cleaning with your custom labeled cleaning bottle. And, finally, we hope you have found joy in decorating your homes or your wedding venues with our custom wood pieces. We hope all of this because we put love and care into each and every design, and we want you to enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them for you.
MORE ABOUT THE TEAM: Hilary & Gabrielle
This past month we got to vacation together on Sanibel Island, Florida. Sure, we talked some business, but mostly, we rode bikes, spent time in the ocean and did our best to get tan without getting a sunburn.
Dad was the grill master on the Sanibel Island trip (his specialty was hot dogs, but he cooked up some wild caught salmon, chicken and pork as well). He is also the navigator whenever we take a exploratory bike ride & his adventurous spirit ensures we always find a new path and make new memories.
