{MARC} has officially made it through surgery and is on the road to recovery. She ended up with three screws, a plate and a suture screw in her left elbow region. She has her follow up appointment on April 2nd (which also happens to be her birthday!!) and she's hoping for a good report so she can start physical therapy.

{BARB} has been resting and doing A LOT of sewing and reading during the day. She ended up heading down to Fort Myers this week to help MARC out a little bit and visit with the grandparents. Yesterday we made homemade chocolate chip cookies with walnuts and also a loaf of banana bread. Both turned out great!

{BUSINESS} has definitely slowed some during the last few weeks but we are SO THANKFUL for each person that has taken the time to check in on our site and (especially for those who have) made a purchase. We know times are tough and things seem very uncertain. If you're looking for some FREE ways to show your support we would love if you would:
1) Send us a shout out on Instagram with a picture of you using our products
2) Leave a review from your purchase
3) Tag a friend in one of our posts to help us reach new potential customers
4) Send us a message to say "hello" - we LOVE hearing from you!
Marc & Barb