Life has been a little bit salty and a little bit sweet to us the last week or so.
On the salty side...our mom broke her ankle (in three places) at the end of last week on a hike in the GA mountains. After a through-the-night drive back home, she had surgery on Tuesday morning and has to stay off her feet for at least six weeks. Let me tell you she is being a TROOPER so far and we are so amazed at her positive attitude. We sweetened this week up with a family brunch (all four of her kiddos together in one place plus most of the spouses!) on Saturday and we made mom's favorite - Belgian waffles!
Keeping with the sweet note, we are moving into a really neat season for the business starting in August! We are launching our products at a boutique in the Naples mall, at a local showcase in Miromar outlets && we will appear in two seasonal events in September and November...alongside our regular Friday morning markets!
There will be more details to come for those of you who are local to our area as the events draw nearer. We are feeling SO blessed and SO VERY excited to move into these new opportunities and we have done lots of stocking up on the items necessary to create our lives away to keep up with everything we have going on!
LOTS of those items will appear on the Etsy shop too so those of you who are out of town will not be left behind!
We love that you are here with us living this dream. Thank you so much for following along and for all your support. We truly appreciate you!

Marc & Barb