Mermaid hairs – vital for hair growth & strength. Like I said before, long hair & braids & lots of hot tools to tame this frizzy, thick mane means that I need to treat my hair like the mermaid (AKA QUEEN) that it is & fuel it with all the oils for hair strength & health.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to use this mermaid hair spray each night before bed, & I coat my hair up if I am showering the next morning. Orrrr you can put it in your wet hair before you blow dry it.
Tip: Substitute water with salt water! It’ll give you a natural, beachy look if that's what you're going for, sis!
Let's make it together!
Recipe: 10 drops each oil (Cedarwood, Rosemary & Lavender) Fill the rest of the bottle with witch hazel Spray spray spray on those hairs
Why did we choose these oils?
Roesmary: supports strong, quick growing hair with shine & volume
Lavender: helps minimalize hair loss & keeps hair shiny
Cedarwood: helps get the tangles out & restores thinning hair
If you try it, let us know by tagging us on Instagram or replying to this blog post! We love when y'all make the things we share!
Marc & Barb

* Marc & Barb Design Co is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to! That being said, we only share products that we use in our homes & can vouch for the quality of. We just want to share this with you for easy ordering & use in your home.