We have the most exciting news & if you follow us over on Instagram (& if you don't, what are you waiting for?), you might already know what we are going to share! Y'all! We did our first FARMERS & CRAFT MARKET on Friday! It was one of the most life giving experiences.
We loved chatting with all our customers & shop visitors about our products, our story, and our passions. We got to set up our booth all cute and fancy and really show our stuff all in one spot. IT WAS AWESOME.
We felt the same kind of excitement we feel every time we make a sale on Etsy. It's a makers dream come true to see other people excited about the things you create. We have YOU to thank for this opportunity. Without your support through our online shop we would not have had the courage to "go live" with our goods so THANK YOU!!
We still have our eyes on the big (three day) craft show that we were wait listed for this month so please keep your fingers crossed for us for that! We do feel more prepared and even more motivated to participate now that we've had this experience - we will continue to keep you updated!

Marc & Barb