Just like most people now a days, I’ve recently fallen in love with plants. I love the way they bring life to my house. I love the freshness they bring to the air. I love shopping for them and picking out new plants & finding the perfect location in my home for them!
As much as I love having plants, plants don’t always love me. I do not have a great green thumb and I am trying hard to keep plants alive but some just land me on the struggle bus. I’ve tried to keep 3 fiddle leaf ferns alive, and haven’t had any luck. I’ve also have a plant that we dug out of my grandparents back yard (I don’t even know what it is) that has been growing and thriving so much that I’ve had to trim it back. I’ve just decided that fiddle leafs aren’t for me.
While trying to grow my green thumb & seeking ALL the advice from my grandma & Google, I also came across this magic spray. I altered it a little to fit my plant needs, but I spray it on my plants every 4-6 weeks & it has been amazing. It keeps all the bugs away (you know those pesky gnats that won’t leave you alone when you first bring a new plants home & it’s been living outdoors at Home Depot for the last 6 months). It also promotes growth (or at least not death like my poor fiddle).

It‘s a simple combo of thieves cleaner, citrus fresh essential oil & water in this amazing spray bottle that I got from Amazon. It’s the perfect amount of mist for the plants. I add 20 drops citrus fresh, 1 capful of thieves cleaner & filled the rest of the bottle with water. I’ve been using it since summer & still have basically a full bottle so this stuff can last you forever.

If you want to try this magic spray & haven’t ever tried thieves cleaner, reach out to us on here or over on our Instagram and we’d love to send you a sample or tell you more about it! Or if you’re ready to start your oily journey, you can sign up here.

If you try it out, let us know! Tag us on Instagram (@marcandbarbdesignco) & show off all your pretty plants that are THRIVING! We love to hear from you.
You go, plant mom!
Marc ❤️
* Marc & Barb Design Co is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com! That being said, we only share products that we use in our homes & can vouch for the quality of. We just want to share this with you for easy ordering & use in your home.