Now that we are about a month into 2021, I figured it was a good time to reflect and share my favorite books from 2020. Most of these are professional development books that I read and would highly recommend.
There is something so fulfilling about taking time to read and grow your business. I started reading before bed instead of scrolling social media and it is literally SO good for me. Instead of going to bed playing the comparison game, I go to bed with big dreams about what I'm doing next to further myself & my business.
I'm tagging all of them below so that you can order them off of Amazon. I read more than these, but these ones are definitely some of my favsss. Local friends, hit me up if you want to borrow any of these!

Show Up for Your Life // When Less Becomes More // You are the Girl for the Job // Master Your Mind // Present Over Perfect // Becoming Us // Holy Hustle // Rhythms of Renewal // Nothing to Prove // High Performance Habits // Big Magic // Daring Greatly // Dare to Lead
Happy reading!